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Osteopathy – is a healing art which places emphasis on correcting the structure of the body in order that it will function better. Treatment consists of massage, gentle movements, and sometimes manipulation of joints when this is advisable.

Cranial Osteopathy – is a very gentle treatment that involves the osteopath in making very delicate gentle movements to the skull bones and is often suitable for babies and young children as well as adults.

Acupuncture – is an ancient Chinese treatment which involves the insertion of fine needles into special points in the body with the intention of encouraging free flow of life force (Chi), thus encouraging harmony and balance, and promoting good health.

New Patients                 £65

Re-examinations          £58

Acupuncture                 £58

Osteopathy                    £52

Child under 5 1st visit  £52

Child further visits       £26

Home visits        From £120

Payment is accepted via cash, card 
or Internet Banking

Many patients are able to claim all or part of their fees back through their private medical company.
Please ask for details.

 Copyright Laurence McCaffery 2025